Accreditation Of Training Institutions And Programmes For Formal Qualification Purposes
Institutions who want to apply to be accredited for presenting a ministry qualification within the National Qualifications Framework of South Africa, have to submit their application to one of the quality councils within the National Qualifications Framework (NQF). For ministry training there are two options: either to apply for accreditation via the Council for Higher Education (CHE) to present academic qualifications; or via the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) to present occupational qualifications.
The difference between QCTO accredited (occupational) and CHE accredited (academic) qualifications
- Regarding CHE accredited qualifications: This quality council within the NQF is responsible for the accreditation of academic qualifications at public universities and private tertiary institutions. Faculties or departments of theology at universities and private tertiary institutions presenting theology qualifications, are required to excel in their academic standards. While occupational outcomes are important, these institutions are primarily evaluated by CHE in terms of their success in achieving academic outcomes
- Regarding QCTO accredited qualifications: This quality council within the NQF is responsible for the accreditation of occupational qualifications, that is, qualifications that are primarily designed to prepare persons for a specific occupation. QCTO accreditation emphasises training where the focus is on preparing the students for the work of ministry. A strong academic foundation of training is provided, but the volume of academic work is relatively smaller, with a concentration on themes and content that are critical for the work of ministry. There is an extended focus on practical work and on “on the job training”. Because the focus is on work orientated outcomes, accreditation with QCTO will be appropriate for ministry training institutions that are primarily interested in the skilling of persons for ministry.
- Regarding ACRP accredited CPD programmes: Training providers are also invited to register with ACRP (as SAQA recognised professional body) to present accredited Continued Professional Body (CPD) courses. Read more about ACRP’s CPD strategy and CPD accreditation applications forms.
Applying for QCTO accreditation
Several ministry training curriculums have already been developed under the auspices of the QCTO. See an overview of these programmes.
For most of the relatively smaller (community based) ministry training institutions, applying for QCTO accreditation will be more appropriate compared to an application for CHE accreditation. "More appropriate" relates to the goal of the training (focus on preparation for ministry) of most community-based ministry training institutions. QCTO's standards require that the training institution must be aligned both in terms of institutional and programme requirements. Thus, in applying for QCTO accreditation, a ministry training institution has to prove that the institution is structured according to the QCTO's requirements and has the necessary infrastructure, staff and policies and procedures in place ("institutional readiness"). Christian ministry qualifications, that are overseen by QCTO (this is referred to as "programme readiness").
ACRP is in a position to provide advice to community-based training institutions who want to apply for QCTO accreditation. For more information on how the support of ACRP for this purpose could be solicited, see Applying For CHE Accreditation below.
QCTO website address where information on accreditation is provided:
Applying for CHE Accreditation
ACRP is currently not in a position to provide more than general advice to training institutions who want to apply for QCTO accreditation. More information on accredditation is provided on the CHE website.
Support by ACRP to QCTO accreditation applicants
As a professional body, ACRP can provide guidelines and advice to training institutions who want to submit an application for QCTO accreditation.
Note: It is not compulsory to use the advisory services of ACRP. Training institutions can submit their applications directly to QCTO without ACRP. Should an institution however wish to use the services provided by ACRP, they are welcome to approach us for this. The steps are as follows:
- The relationship between ACRP and a training institution is formed by entering into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). See a draft (example) MoU document.
- Training institutions who have not entered into a MoU with ACRP yet are invited to start the process towards an MoU by completing the Indication of Intent. Forward it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (Telephone contact: 065 214 1536)
- Institutions who already entered into an MoU will be provided with the relevant supporting information. Enquiries should be sent to the central ACRP office by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ). This could be followed up by telephone consultations, and even visits if needed.
- “User group” workshops will be considered in future if the need exists.