Assessment In CPD Programmes
Providers of random CPD events may decide to link an assessment to an event. Should an assessment be linked to a random CPD event, the CPD points will only be awarded to participants on receipt of a pass mark for a participant from the presenters of the event.
In the case of structured CPD programmes, assessment is compulsory, and should be done on a standard that will guarantee successful Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) towards a qualification.
Valid assessment methods that are in general use in the formal education and training environment are acceptable, for example written tests, Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) sets, assignments, and so on.
Note: Should questions in the MCQs family be used, the requirements are as follows:
- There should be variations in the type of questions used, e.g. single correct answer, multiple correct answer, matching of items; extended matching items (EMIs), true-false (with or without explanation); fill-in-the-blanks (completion); ranking; categorising; reordering / rearrangement / sequencing.
- Where a choice among a selection of given answers apply, questions must contain a minimum of three options.
- The proportion of true-false questions without explanation should not exceed 20%.
- A pass mark of 70% for MQC related questions is required.